Day 6

Heavy rain and thunderstorms brought the river up about 10 feet.

It was time to move on to our next stop. The rain let up long enough for us to take the canoes back up river to the bus.

The local banana dealers were busy when we arrived.

The bad weather caused an accident along our route and we needed to take a detour near the town of Shell (named after the oil company that was drilling in the area.

El Pailón del Diablo (the Devil's Cauldron)

Entrance to walkway to the waterfalls

Walking around the small town we find a local restaurant that features pork.

Biking is popular in this area

A local business that makes packing crates for produce

A truck load of crates

A walk down a side street

New home under construction

A local tourist bus

The town park next to Rio Verde (Green River)

A short distance up river from El Pailón del Diablo is another waterfall but you don't walk to this one.

You take a cable car ride to the falls while being suspended hundreds of feet above the river. The ride cost $1.00 and is the best ride ever.

It is like flying and you get a wonderful view of the valley and falls

The cable car is controlled with an old truck engine/transmission


Baños is a major tourist town for the people of Ecuador

Doors of the main church in Baños

Inside the church

On the street

Cuy, a favorite meal in Ecuador

Hat shopping

Local market in Baños

Pulling taffy. Several vendors sold homemade taffy.

The main square and church

A private garden

Sugar cane vendors near the tour bus

After we leave Baños we head into the countryside near the town of Patate. We are back into the Andes and every square foot of land is used for farming.

A farmer is leading oxen in the narrow road ahead of our bus ...

We became part of a local parade.

The road gets narrower and we meet a loaded truck

At the end of the road we arrive at Hacienda Manteles where we will have a meal and spend the night.

Our room

The view from our room

The dining room

Pre-columbian art (the real stuff)

More flowers


The final dinner of the tour group. A great meal.

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